Sometimes I think about my past and wonder if I made the right decisions or if I could have done things differently. These thoughts never lead me anywhere. Today I suddenly realized that I am asking the wrong question! It is like trying to play Poker when the game being played is Up and Down the River. The rules I am trying to play by don't apply at all to Life As God Intended It. He is playing a completely different ball game, in a different league called HOLY. And all He touches become holy.
My job is not to find out if I did right or wrong, but my job is to embrace my past and forgive myself, bring the grace of God to every situation, let Him embrace me in my brokenness, know that He loves me through all of it and keep myself in his love from now on. Because if I decide that I have done the right things - then I get prideful. And if I think I have failed - I loose heart. I need to know that I am accepted through everything and change my focus from myself and my achievements or failures and to God. It's not about me!
This applies to the way I think about other people as well. As human beings we tend to compare ourselves with others and compete with each other. We are constantly valuing and judging every action and behavior in ourselves and others. This might seem to be a good thing but is actually leading to death!
Just like Snow White ate the poisonous apple and fell dead down, we will die when we eat the fruit of judging ourselves or others. Nothing good comes out of it. Even though it might look beautiful, like Snow White, dead in her glass coffin, still stunningly beautiful, everything outwardly looking perfect, but without life.
The dwarfs that carried her coffin away stumbled on a rock in the road and the piece of apple, stuck in her throat, came flying out. The next moment Snow White sat up in the coffin, alive, and the prince was there kissing her.
This reminded me of the verse in the Bible (1 Cor 1:23) that says:
"we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles"
The cross of Christ is and always will be offensive - to our own flesh, our mind and rational thinking. We constantly need to turn around and humble ourselves and receive his love and goodness again. We cannot deserve or earn anything from God. He gives because He is good, not because of us. He gives us the kisses of His Spirit, right on our lips, so quick to criticize, like U2 is singing in their song Yahweh: