A few years ago I was working at an Elementary school in Stockholm, as a personal assistant to this 8-year old boy that had some type of autistic behavior. My main task was being there for him during recess when he usually got in trouble, interacting with the other kids. It was interesting to follow the kids so close outside the classroom setting as they were playing. I especially remember this one little boy, 6 years old, that was so excited about getting to be responsible for the football during recess. He was the one that was going to bring the ball out to the playground and make sure the ball came back safely again after recess. He was jumping up and down in the hallway as I was unlocking the room where all the toys were kept, shouting: "I want to be responsible, I want to be responsible". That picture stuck with me and I have been reminded of it several times as God is showing me what it looks like to grow up to be a child of his. His burdens for us are not heavy but a joy. And taking responsibility is actually fun and an honor!
Sometimes I am childish in the sense that I avoid taking responsibility for my own needs, feelings, emotions, desires etc. I blame things on my circumstances or on other people. And I avoid stepping into what God has for me, hiding behind lies of unworthiness or other things that might seem more comfortable at the moment.
"Do I truly want to be restored to the full responsibility of a son?"
I found this question in one of the amazing books we are reading for our school: "The Return of the Prodigal Son" by Henri Nouwen. Here is another quote from the book:
"Jesus does not ask me to remain a child but to become one. Becoming a child is living toward a second innocence: not the innocence of a newborn infant but the innocence that is reached through conscious choices."
So it is this incredible freedom God has called us to. He has given us the gift of our free will, the freedom of choice. The freedom of being a child of God. But that freedom also is a calling to be responsible!
The word "responsible" really means that we are RESPONDING to somebody! If we know that God is a good and loving Father it becomes our joy to respond to him when he is calling us. And whatever he is giving us from his big room filled with toys we will make sure to take good care of. It all comes from him.
Well done baby!