I live in the country where they play football with their hands, everybody on top of each other in a big pile. In the beginning I tried to figure out some of the rules but I have given up long time ago. I am just not into sports but some aspects of it still appeal to me. I watched part of a game of college football. The players are obviously in college, 18-19 years old, and this is their chance to get into the real league, NFL, and make A LOT of money. They are not just playing football, they are putting their entire life and soul out there and they are playing a game about their whole future career. There is a huge pressure on the young kids during these games. Thousands of people, and their coaches and pro scouts are watching and valuing them, every move.
This one kid in the game I watched parts of, screwed up and made some mistake and I believe his team lost because of him. He couldn't hold his tears back after the game when he was interviewed. He had not only lost a game. He had lost his dream and his hopes. He was devastated. I felt so sorry for him.
Many of us live our lives like that young guy in the football team with this huge pressure weighing down on our shoulders. We live as if it all depends on us, on what we can do. We have to be successful in the game to please everyone.
Jesus calls us to a different life, that doesn't depend on our performance but on his. This is wild and crazy. He has won the victory for us! Our job is to celebrate! There is no more place for competition or performance. We do not have to achieve but simply follow Jesus. We are all part of the winning team in Christ.
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